“The Clasp of Good Hands”

Starting with a cause, moving in a right track, and now touching lives. The Holy Child Multi-Purpose Cooperative (HOLY CHILD MPC) was conceived way back on June 10, 1965. Originally, it was called the Holy Child Cooperative Credit Union with an initial capital of Php250.00 and 29 pioneering members.

Authorized and nourished with the fatherly concern of Brother Augusto Mier of the Knights of Columbus Community Services Incorporated, this coop grew and expanded its operation, hence, boosting its capacity to offer more services and implement community development programs and projects in the municipality. As vital credit facility for the rural constituents of the municipality of Bato, Leyte the coop offer financial assistance under two schemes: productive and providential.

Productive loan is meant to backstop commercial, industrial and agriculture-related livelihood. This is usually availed of by market vendors, farmers and fisher folks. On the other hand, providential covers personal, educational and appliance loans. And, just lately we included car, motorcycle, institutional and travel loans.

This is practically a convenient credit institution for people from all walks of life. We help save them from being tied-up with financial obligations to the usurious money lenders in our locality. However, apart from opening credit windows, it also extends life, non-life and health insurance coverage for its members.

The coop in partnership with the Department of Agriculture usually conducts hands-on training for the farmers, especially on new production-enhancing technologies aimed to improve their yield and income. Along this line, the coop established techno demo farms in strategic areas of the municipality. It also launched a housing project in which environmental protection sanitation particularly in support of the local government project “SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM”.

Proof of its noteworthy accomplishments are the awards, recognitions/citations earned for its exemplary services to its members and the community. It generated the Outstanding Cooperatives Award for both agriculture and non-agriculture undertakings.

Holy Child MPC was also accorded with an Institutional Excellence Award for its most outstanding in socio-economic enterprise contributing to the sustained development of its community and the Coop Network Moreover, it recently received a Plaque of Recognition from the Department of Finance through the Cooperative Development Authority for its significant contribution on poverty alleviation and local development under the Coop-LGU partnership.

As we continue our journey towards the 55 th year in existence in our community, we tried our best to achieve our vision to become a globally competitive cooperative responding to the needs of satisfied members and to the community as a whole.

Several competitors have grown in our community like mushrooms sprout anywhere; yet, we have managed to maintain our delinquency rate and improve the financial status of Holy Child MPC with Php237,022,306.00 assets ended December 2019.

The Holy Child MPC is presently operated by 30 regular employees with more than 5,000 regular members.

Our cooperative has achieved this far. Although the journey is not that easy, especially that we are now having our first satellite office, but with the full cooperation and commitment of our officers and management staff, we can provide to our members relevant, timely and quality financial and allied services to uplift their socio-economic conditions.